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NorthrupCPA's "Coach's Corner"

Oct 22, 2017

Episode 8 deals with effective change and making it work.

The paradox with making changes is that people fail to see the need to change even when opportunities or threats are staring them in the face. It’s crazy but even when people see the need they still fail to move. And when they do move, they don’t finish the job.

This episode covers the steps in creating high contrast and creating high impact confrontation.

When trying to implement change, there is a tendency for people to fail to finish. They don’t go far enough and they don’t go fast enough. This happens because people get tired. The rubber of change meets the road of results. If people don’t change, wheels spin and strategic vision gets zero traction. Making change work takes a tremendous amount of energy and effort. Getting people to change from “seeing is believing” to believing is seeing is hard. That’s when change efforts fail.

Episode 8 also details the 8 steps of change required to achieve new and successful behavior.